- ID BCO F-1-SF-1
- Subfonds
- 1970 -1983
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
Brief Report: The System of Dismantling and Rebuilding of the Temple Stone at Borobudur by Dradjad
Brief Report: The System of Dismantling and Rebuilding of the Temple Stone at Borobudur by Dradjad- Member of the SPAFA Course I-Ia- 1979
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
Conservation Methods of a Monument Being Restored
Conservation Methods of a Monument Being Restored by Suhardjo in partial fulfillment on the training course I-T4b
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
Deterioration of Monuments- Presented at the Training Course(1 -T4b)
Deterioration of Monuments- Presented to SPAFA Sub-Centre Indonesia- in partial fulfillment of the requiremens of the training course (I-T 4B) Conservation of Monuments by Somsak Penchart- Thai Participant- January 1981.
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
Determination of Mechanical Damage by Subagyo
Determination of Mechanical Damage by Subagyo- Borobudur Conservation Project- Directorate for the Portection of Historical and Archeolgical Hertige- Indonesia.
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
List of participants from the SPAFA workshop on Techniques of Restoration of Monuments on 6-19 Oct 1980
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
List of monuments visited during the SPAFA workshop on Techniques of Restoration of Monuments on 6-19 Oct 1980
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
Proceedings of the SPAFA workshop on Techniques of Restoration of Monuments on 6-19 Oct 1980
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
List of recommendations from the SPAFA workshop on Techniques of Restoration of Monuments on 6-19 Oct 1980
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)
Final Report: Meeting to Evaluate SPAFA Training Courses 1978/1979
Final report on SPAFA evaluation meeting held in SEAMES Headquarters- Bangkok- Thailand on 18-20 July 1979
Pemimpin Proyek (PP)